Sunday, November 30, 2008

Grace made me proud today. Last night when I was tucking her in she told me that I should sleep in because she had a surprise for me in the morning. So, I heard her clanking around in the kitchen as I was lying in bed. A few minutes later, as I pretended to be asleep, she came in to my room. She had filled a small bowl with a little bit of raisin bran and a lot of milk. Than she had the bowl sitting on a large plate to act as a tray. On the plate she place a glass of water and a spoon. She balanced this all the way up the stairs and served me breakfast in bed. Not to sound too cheesy, but it definitely was a proud mom moment. She is such a sweetheart!


1 comment:

Marshall and Rose Lowry said...

Katie, that is so cute! Grace is the best! I'm so glad you shared that experience!