Monday, February 2, 2009

Prayers for Mom and Dad

Hey Everyone,

Marshall and I were talking last night about our prayers for Mom and Dad. We always pray the generic things for them but wondered if there were other things we could say in our prayers to help them. Marshall said when he was a missionary he would have his family pray for different things and it made a big difference. I emailed Mom and Dad last night and asked them if they could tell us specific things we can pray for them. Here's what they said:

Special prayers for us could be
1. Our investigator has an aunt in Buenos Aires who has had a stroke.
He is very distraught about it because his father left his mother when he was young
and his aunt helped raise him. I told him our people would pray for the aunt.
It would be Gustavo's aunt in Buenos Aires to pray for.
2. Pray that we stop being homesick for all of you. We didn't think it would hit
so hard but everytime we see a baby about Jameson's age and Meriel's and Lucy's
we lose it, so that would help, too.

I asked them, if they don't mind to let us know on a regular basis different things we can pray for them. Then I will post them on the blog.

Love you all!

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